Christine Bishop
Florida State Council President
There are 10 jewels surrounding the open book on the badge. These are pearls, ever synonymous with wisdom. But each jewel has a special significance to the wearer of the pin
The First Pearl - Wisdom The Second Pearl - Beauty The Third Pearl - Strength The Fourth Pearl - Truth The Fifth Pearl - Fidelity The Sixth Pearl - Fellowship The Seventh Pearl - Cooperation The Eighth Pearl - Loyalty The Ninth Pearl - Vision The Tenth Pearl - Service
Together they comprise 10 attributes which every ESA member strives to achieve in life
Epsilon Sigma Alpha is a premier leadership and service organization. ESA helps its members achieve their goals. The purpose of ESA is to inspire leadership and service by bringing good people together to pursue programs and projects that make a positive difference. ESA focuses on good friends, good works, and good times.
The object of the Florida State Council is:
A. To promote closer relations and co-operation between chapter members, local chapters, officers, International Council, and ESA Headquarters;
B. To support and fulfill the needs of chapters striving to reach their common goals in social, educational, and philanthropic endeavors;
C. To encourage friendship and fellowship through members and chapter association.
The Florida State Council is a member of the Southeastern Regional Council (SERC) whose goals are:
1) To serve as a means of fellowship and unity among the member states; 2) To serve as a guiding light for states with their problems and an exchange of ideas; 3) To serve as a way of growth of ESA within the member states charter chapters and new members; 4) To serve as an aide for transferees from one member state to any state; 5) To promote closer relationships and fuller cooperations between member states and headquarters; 6) To promote candidates from member states to IC offices; 7) To achieve 100% IC dues within member states; 8) To encourage attendance and participation in awards and contests at IC convention.